Health conditions related to the spine are very painful and sometimes they can reduce the mobility of the patients. It’s quite common to have back pain and neck pain. But if the pain is caused by the disc bulge, then it needs immediate attention and you need to undergo the disc bulge treatment.
Disc bulge is a spinal condition that causes intense pain in various parts of the body. But what is disc bulge and what are the causes behind the onset? Well, if you are curious about disc bulges, then you are at the right place. In this post, we are sharing detailed information about disc bulges and their causes.
Disc bulge is a condition, in which the discs located between the spinal vertebrae are slipped from the location. As the pressure increases on these soft cushiony discs, the discs start to develop a bulge, which presses on the nerves. As the nerves are pressed, the associated pain points are triggered and people may experience a tingling sensation, loss of movement and extreme pain on any movement.
Disc bulge is pretty common in the elderly population. As the spinal vertebrae undergo wear and tear over a long time, they might cause bulged discs. Also, the disc covering may get thin and it may not work as it’s intended to work in old age. Hence, it’s common in the elderly population.
The spinal vertebrae handle all of the weight of the body with the soft discs. When you lift some heavy weights, the discs handle the pressure. Excessive and improper posture while lifting heavy weights in the gym or anywhere can cause the discs to bulge. This is a very common type of spinal injury and can cause severe pain. Everyone should lift only the appropriate amount of weights and that too in the proper posture to avoid disc bulge.
If the patients fall or are in a serious accident, then the sudden blunt trauma can trigger the disc bulge. In case of falls and injuries, the pain can be severe and accompanied by other spinal issues like cracks in bones, inflammation and muscle tears. This is a serious condition and requires immediate medical attention.
Sitting in the same place for a long time working or relaxing can cause bulged discs. A sedentary lifestyle is a culprit for a whole lot of health issues. If a sedentary lifestyle is a cause of slipped and bulged discs, then making lifestyle modifications is highly recommended.
When it comes to serious spinal issues, doctors always consider the possibility of disc bulge. At ANSSI wellness, the doctors diagnose the patients and provide 100% non-surgical spinal decompression therapy, which reduces the symptoms and provides immediate relief from the bulged disc condition.